Are Avocados Safe for Dogs?

Are Avocados Safe for Dogs?

Can my dog eat an avocado? Well yes, but there are some things you should know before feeding an avocado to them.
Your pup will be okay to eat small quantities of an avocados flesh but most vet's advise to not let them eat it at all as it can be extremely harmful to them.
Feeding your dog an avocado with the stems, leaves, and skin is very toxic as it contains the chemical persin.
What is Persin? Persin is a fungicidal toxin that is food in avocados. Persin can cause your dog to experience diarrhea, vomiting, and myocardial damage.
The good news is, is that avocado oil is extremely beneficial for your dog! Avocado oil isn't toxic to dogs because it does not contain persin, and it's high in the anti-inflammatory compounds of vitamin E and omega fatty acids. We use a small amount to give the benefits without being too fatty. Here are some reasons why we use it in small quantities in our recipe's here at McDoggy:
1. High in Vitamin E:
This upholds dogs vision, neurological health and reproductive system.
2. High in Omega-3's:
This reduces inflammation, joint pain and maintains a shiny coat.
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